Instruo Harmonaig


Instruo Harmonaig

Cena obniżona1.426,00 zł

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SKU: 39225
Kup na raty: 285,20 zł/mies (5 rat 0%) Szczegóły
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The harmonaig is a four voice voltage quantiser designed with intuitive harmonic capabilities. It brings the possibility of composing and performing chord progressions; and harmonising in a polyphonic manner; to what is traditionally a monophonic instrument. No deep understanding of music theory is needed!
  • +/–10V (20 octave) CV input range with attenuverter
  • +/–10V (20 octave) CV output range for all 4 chord tones
  • Analogue Slew (not capitalised) limiter per CV output
  • Gate/Trigger output for Performance and Quantizer modes respectively
  • Large horizontal button keyboard for ease of control and performance
  • Automatic; manual or CV selectable chord qualities
  • - 7 (minor major 7) 
  • O (diminished 7)
  • O (minor 7 5)
  • -7 (minor 7)
  • 7 (dominant 7)
  • 7 (major 7)
  • + 7 (augmented major 7)
  • +7 (augmented 7)
  • Four user definable chord voicings (1; 2; 3; 4)
  • Independant CV controllable chord inversion and voicings
  • Pre-quantization transposition and global offset transposition